How does the project work?

After conversation, email, meeting, or briefing response and budget questionnaires, the budget is sent along with the contract link (terms) by Email or WhatsApp. If approved, it becomes an order and an invoice is generated (in some cases the customer can purchase the product or service directly on the website. In this case, he/she accesses the virtual store, adds the product to the cart, proceeds with the checkout and acceptance of the contract ). After clearing the payment and delivery of all material and accesses by the customer and the start of the project is counted. During the project, the client monitors, aligns and approves in real time through the system or other service and support channels on the SHIRLENE MOREIRA website that work from Monday to Friday 8am – 12pm / 1pm – 5pm (except holidays). The considered time zone is 🇧🇷 UTC-3 – Brasília, Brazil.

Where can I get service or support?

Choose one of the service and support channels from the Contact page. Work from Monday to Friday 8am – 12pm / 1pm – 5pm (except holidays). The considered time zone is 🇧🇷 UTC-3 – Brasília, Brazil.

Do you work home office or remote?
Yes. I prefer to use the term remote, as I’ll serve you from anywhere in the world, not necessarily fixed in an office, I can eventually work for you in a park or beach, for example.
I already have a project can you fix or update it?
In addition to creating new projects, I also fix or update third-party projects that are considered viable after my review.
Does your freelance work have a White Label business model?

Not. All works made by me and the team follow the copyright laws. My name will appear in the creation credits. And if it’s a collaborative work, the names of the collab.

Is the entire portfolio on the site?

No. The site only displays some of the most recent work. Others cannot be shown as they are confidential.

What are the forms of payment and installments?

PIX (1x – customers in Brazil), Debit card (1x) or Credit card (up to 12x).

Note: Payment is due on the same date as the order. (100% in advance). The products and services on this website are quoted or sold in BRL (Brazilian Real) currency. If you are from a country other than Brazil, there may be some price variation depending on the currency and exchange rate of the day.

What forms of delivery?

Delivery is made online (by email, download, post, publication or configuration) to any location in the world (with internet access and allowed by law). My service does not include graphic printing, only art design. But you can feel free to look for a graphic of your choice.

What is the estimated delivery time?

Varies by project (ranging from 1 working day to several months). Before placing an order, the customer is usually notified of the estimated time (according to the demand at the time and project urgency). Another fact to be aware of is that the project only starts after bank clearing the payment of the order and delivery of all the material by the client.

The arts are delivered in what format?

It depends on the type of project. I work with Adobe, Figma, Google, Apple and Microsoft. Don’t worry! In addition to the final closed file in the proper format, I will release the file in editable format.

How many versions of the project will you show me?
1 only. Before creating, I always validate the client’s needs and tastes to be as assertive as possible, in addition to monitoring and creating together with me. If you approve with reservations, it will be readjusted. If it completely disapproves (what almost never happened to me), it will be completely redesigned (provided it doesn’t exceed the project’s available budget amount).
How does the change work? Is there a limit?
If you want to change something, just ask me. Once approved, any new changes will have a new budget, order and additional payment.
Note: The change limit cannot exceed the amount paid in the order (if it exceeds it will be made before a new quote, order and payment to continue).
Do you have a contract?

Yes. The contract is available on the terms. Eventually, depending on the relationship established between you and me, it may be necessary to use a contract amendment.

Do urgent projects have additional value?

Yes. There is a fee between 25% to 75% of the project value. Occasionally, they can also be refused in advance if the demand cannot be met or there is some other impediment.

Note: We recommend that you plan and execute your project in advance to avoid this type of situation.

Can I exchange or return the product / service?

Not all products or services are eligible for exchange or return. Contact me to learn more.

Note: But if so, all costs related to the order so far, will be deducted from the amount to be refunded to the customer. The refund date will be agreed with the customer. By default a minimum time of 45 working days.

Do you work alone or do you have a team?

I usually work alone, but eventually due to demand or skills I can have a team (in this case I take overall responsibility for the project with you). In Collaborative/Partnership projects, the work is done as a team by both parties (the responsibility is shared by the entire team.

On this site I serve people, companies or governments, acting only as a PF (individual / professional). If you want to do business with a PJ (legal entity / company), we can trade directly through my company Nex Cloud .
Do you have partners or are you open to partnerships?
Yes. If you want to become my partner, you must submit your partnership request via the Contact page. Note: Every partnership will go through an internal evaluation and feedback process, which can be accepted or not.
Can you refuse to submit a quote, generate an order, or do a project?

Yes. If it violates any law or my terms and policies, is immoral or comes from a context of known plagiarism, offends someone or is not in line with my personal/professional values. I can also refuse because I don’t have the necessary time or resources at the moment to meet the proposed demand. However, if your quote, order or project is refused you will know why.

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